One of the most important items in the annual expenses reports of physical persons and legal entities is the fuel. To protect Your finances, based on years of experience, we have developed a proven system that saves Your money.
Along with the constant increase of oil derivate (gasoline, diesel fuel) prices, grows the frequency of thefts, on annual level. This causes firms that deal in transport, construction as well as other fields to lose millions.
Combining ours with other technologies, we offer You following solutions for fuel control:
- Digital (advanced reading of fuel consumption and status off computer system of the vehicle CAN BUS/FMS)
- Squarrell (additional module that is additionally installed in the vehicles with CAN BUS, but no FMS standard)
- LLS – Liquid Level Sensor (installing a probe for measuring liquid level in the reservoir)
- Analog (direct hookup to the fuel gauge of reservoir)
- Mathematical calculation (consumption calculation without the additional equipment and sensors based the tank, monthly consumption and traveled mileage). Combining all the receipts of all the bought fuel and Europe Tracking system, You will have access to a quick and comparative analasys of fuel consumption, without the use of additional equipment.
Main advantages of fuel monitoring
- Monitoring of the current fuel level
- View of current fuel level using graphic indicators
- Track of all pouring and discharges
- Record of all pouring and discharges with indications of amounts, time and date
- Track total and average fuel consumption
- Graphic and tabular view of total and average consumption on every 100km
- Reports on consumption (PDF, Excel, ...)
- Detailed tabular reports on pouring, discharges and fuel consumption per vehicle
Calculate Your own 10% of annual fuel consumption. A lot?